Headless Friends is an online journal exploring
creativity, mental health and queer culture.

Issue One

Welcome to the first-ever issue of Headless Friends!
Scroll down to read articles about adventures, anxiety, art…

  • You Take The Same Brain With You Wherever You Go

    No matter which city I move to in the world, the same brain - and ‘bad wolf’ - will follow me wherever I go. Let’s unpack the impact relocating has had on my mental health.

  • Rosa Simonet on Travelling, Mental Health & Queer Friendships

    Rosa Simonet is a writer, artist, activist and one of my closest friends. We sat down to discuss looking after your brain while travelling, the importance of queer friendship and the power of storytelling.

  • Queer Film Club: Conclave

    Starring Ralph Fiennes and Stanley Tucci, Conclave is a religious romp about picking a new pope. Despite its almost entirely straight-male cast and famously straight-laced subject matter, the film turned out to be a lot queerer than I expected.

  • Why Birmingham?

    Since relocating to the UK’s second-biggest city, I have been asked to explain why I chose to come and live in Birmingham countless times. This is a detailed version of my answer.

  • My First Day At Art School ✹ Revisited

    Come with me on a journey through the Headless Greg archives. We’re travelling back in time to when I first started studying illustration at art school in Dundee.

  • The Headless Gift Guide 2024

    Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year to shop small! Here is a list of 40 independent businesses to help you do so.

Well-told stories have helped me feel less isolated while developing an understanding of my queerness and mental health.

Read the story behind Headless Friends here.